Friday, April 13, 2007

Text-Based World

Ok, it's starting to look really boring without pictures. I've found the USB cable for my mom's digital camera so I can start snapping pictures and get them downloaded into my computer and finally get some visual aids up on my blog.

Check out teflongirl's blog, she's got some great pictures there! The link to her blog is on my sidebar.

It's finally the weekend and I can breathe easy. Yay!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dietary Update

Well, I've been eating fried vermicelli before 11AM for the past few weeks, so that resolution has gone down the drain. I've also fallen off the Herbalife bandwagon once again and have yet to do any physical activity over the weekend.


But on the plus side, the mobile tuckshop guy in the parking lot just opposite Seiyu Bugis Junction does sell really yummy fried vermicelli and siew mai for great prices. Always glad to find hidden gems where food is concerned!